So what’s going on gas gang yes we are doing it I have got the blue devil behind me we are down at VAR Technic and today you’ll be witnessing episode one of the budget build box Chronicles stay tuned for this one it’s going to be sick let’s get it welcome to officially
Gather oh my God let’s get it for the best in Universal premium EST containing engine oils and fuel aditives for both petrol and diesel engines check the links in the description welcome to the new home of Gaston track introducing Gaston track silverston UNS Silence can’t my CPP on me on that chcken Can’t on me my that Chicken All right guys so as the intro said today we are down at VAR Technic with the blue devil yes the VR6 AI A3 that is looking a little bit worse for we you may remember back to the last video I filmed with the cpra I actually rescued
This car from where it had been sitting for 2 years pretty much rotting however the engine still ran as sweet as a nut so I could not let it die I had to do something with it so I put it to the public I asked your opinion of what I
Should do with this car and overwhelmingly people wanted to see this on a budget make more power so I thought about where I should bring the car to who I should speak to and then I remembered back to these cool guys that I met from VAR Technic who brought their
Cars to Me Maybe about half a year maybe a year ago who knew what they were doing so I reached out to them and one of them is standing right in front of me right now welcome to the CH in fact welcome back to the channel cheers manate yeah
So when you first said A3 I’ll be honest I hate these a3s but it’s got an R32 in it bu similar engine to what I’m running in my Mark 1 sure which is turboed they make great power when they’re turboed if you want more power out of this it’s
Either a remap or you go supercharged or Turbo if we were to just remap it let’s say this made factory quoted power which is about what 247 249 so what would we be looking at on a stage one remap or remap to get probably like 10 10% 15%
It’s not much at all I’ll be honest turbo M turbo builds we we haven’t really done budget turbo builds everything we do are like fullon we Forge the engines and everything but people do run heads spaces in this and they do make surprisingly decent power whether it lasts 10 minutes of 10 years
Is a bit of a is to be found out as far as what I want to do with this car bro cheap as chips horribly poor man spec I want a budget power do you know what the funny thing is the amount of phone calls we get from customers saying oh I’ve
Seen these turbo kits online I’ve seen this cast man you can buy manifolds of eBay for like 50 Quid we’ve never actually done them okay but do you know what even I’d be interested to find out on how far you can string these I know there’s people online that quoted
Running four four 4 to 500 bar on stock engine just with a head spacer but you kind of just got to suck it and see man you know what I mean that’s what it’s about guys this is a science experiment on the sh box sleeper and when I say
Sleeper I mean sleeper because I am not changing any of the Aesthetics of the outside of this car I want it to look exactly how it looks now I mean Moss Burge lack a pill everything I want this to be catching cars by surprise left
Right and Center I want to to put this car up against some fast cars and GAP them to do that it seems like we’re going to have to introduce some boost yes it looks like we’re going to go super budget turbo build on this I’d go turbo just cuz the Supercharger kits are
Quite rare when they do come up they’re big money everyone’s seen these Chinese turbo kits right things off eBay turbos off eBay yeah let’s just give it a go and let’s see I mean what we’ll do is we’ll incrementally step it up Step It Up Step It Up fingers cross it doesn’t
Go bang it seems like the engine sounds all right it sounds pretty good KN we’ll do some general maintenance as well it’s a bit scabby it is a bit scabby I’m not going to lie it’s it’s got two-year-old fuel in it it’s probably not not helping
But yeah I think we’ll do the general maintenance on it make sure it’s safe and then let’s start introducing boost to it I think these are good for close to I want to say about I know Supercharger kits knock out about 7 PSI so if we start stepping this up we get
It closer to maybe the 910 PSI let’s see how the engine handles it first okay and yeah go from there yeah yeah if it goes bang then we will end up we’ll have to build it depending on how much you guys like this series right the sky is the
Limit with this car but I’m telling you the Aesthetics of the outside will never change this could be the ultimate sleeper I can’t wait for this journey but we need a starting point with this car we need a baseline right y we need to know what it makes before we actually
Start making more I guess to see our gains you have got a dyo and a Rolling Road here yes we do so shall we get it on the rollers and see what she makes yeah let’s get the tire swapped over oh yeah um and then let’s get this on the
Rollers let’s see how close to its Factory power it it actually is off the top of my head I would like to think we could potentially double the power yes let’s see if we can double the number let’s you know what we’ll treat this like a bit of a myth busting exercise
Yeah let’s Bust The Myth can you budget build an R32 using parts available to everyone from home we’ll go on eBay we’ll find those we’ll get A50 intercooler on it we’ll run some pipe work with a bit of mechanical knowledge let’s see how much power we can run
Through this thing and see how much fun we can have on the street on a Sho string budget bro speaking my language it sounds fun man let’s get on a d man let’s do it let’s do it Sange welcome back to the channel brother hello mate you all right people
Might remember you from your crazy TT 18t build that uh you brought on the channel a little while ago too yeah the angry hairdresser angry hairdresser that’s what we called yeah bro we’re about to run the car up on the dino right yep just load on the running Road
At the moment um I think one of the first things we need is put Petrol in itz there’s not a lot of Petrol in it I can’t really run a car of Dino with nothing in it it’s literally on zero and that fuel will be 2 years old yes so
We’ve got some fresh soup uned we’re going to put in it load up on the dyno do a Power run um I like to see it make 247 250 okay will be quite nice do you think it will make that though given the age profile now if the engine’s healthy
There’s no reason why it should which Prett and it’s got two fresh tires on the front as well oh yes guys we went for the uni Royal rain sport fires right people who come on my channel and their cars are slightly more budget build they
Rave about these so I thought let me see what all the hype is about yes so I’ve turned the Tak the fuse out for the helex to run it in front wheeel drive yeah I’m ready to sort of put some Petrol in it load her up and crack on
All right then bro let’s get it let’s go for it let’s go so it’s about to get very noisy in here all the extractors are about to go on and we’re about to give her a first run on the dyno so place your bets at home as to what you
Think she’ll make I’m saying this has got a strong 240 in it I know she’s a strong girl she’s a strong old girl she might be ugly but she’s a goer and that’s what we like I think okay okay Blue Devil is that yeah Blue Devil come on oh
No oh no that’s not good all right guys so the results are in and the car is a little bit worse we after Those runs it hasn’t had its leged stretched like that for a while so I done the first Power run yep uh we came
Out 230 horsepower 230 h on the first one okay not bad for a car we just spped a bit of super anded in sat for years yes on the second power run uh we seem to have a bit of a clutch slip a higher RPM okay and it made 218 and on the
Third run yep it it’s developed to misfire as obviously we done more and more runs things are starting to break down slowly which is understandable for an engine that’s been set for this long yes uh so we average the horsepower out between all three yeah and it’s we could
Safely say it’s 220 horsepower 220 is the number we’re going with averaged at the moment right okay well that’s fa that’s what 27 off Factory 20 year old car yeah not too bad that’s not too bad with t fuel in it mixed with a bit of
Fresh super to I don’t think that’s that bad for something slipping on clutch and misfiring bro to tell the truth honestly I thought this was going to explode I was cinching a little bit now we know we have a base figure to work on the two
Years of sitting the 20 or the 18 years of abuse prior to that we still got some power in it right it it’ be nice to double the power see how it goes see how it goes from there yeah all right guys so this is what we’re going to do we’re
Going to go away now we’re going to do a little bit of research and we are going to try and find the cheapest budget turbo kit available to mankind in the world to fit to this car and see if we can achieve doubling this car’s stock
Power and we’re going to do that on the next video hopefully so we got our work out y or you guys got your we got a plan we got a plan but we got a plan right and we got a basis so thank you so much
For today massive shout out to the boys down here at VAR everyone for setting this up that’s episode one of the Box budget turbo build I don’t even know what to call it the budget box the only way is up from here hopefully and hopefully it’s not blowing up it’s
Going up yeah I’ll leave links down below to AAR Technic so people can find you guys thank and um yeah stay tuned because yeah exciting about to get excited catch you on the next one peace Out oh